Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari screen test

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Am Fri, 29 May 2020 12:07:51 +0200
schrieb Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Le 29/05/2020 à 12:02, Thomas Huth a écrit :
> > I just notice another thing: Please check your --frameskips
> > setting. If it is set to something different than 0 (it is "auto"
> > by default), then you could run into the situation that the screen
> > is not updated yet, though it should be correct already from the ST
> > side. 
> Hi
> looking at this, if NF_SCREENSHOT is not used, maybe the fullscreen
> test could use at least NF_PRINT after 5 or VBL of fullscreen were
> displayed, so the test program can know that that it's OK to grab a
> screenshot now.
> this would be much easier than waiting for specific breakpoint or 
> register content, and would also work if frameskip is != 0.

I think I've found now a nice solution: The test program now checks the
TOS version at the end of the screen, and if it's TOS 0.01 a.k.a
Hatari's FakeTOS, it jumps to a routine that takes a screenshot via
XBIOS #20 and then exits. Thus, no more command-FIFO polling in the
test script, no more races, the test should still run on an original
ST, and the test runs visibly faster in "make test".


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