Re: [hatari-devel] TT emulation crashes when there is no ACSI drive

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Uwe Seimet schrieb:

> I'm not familiar with what Hatari does with the cartridge code. Some
> kind of initialization I assume that cannot be executed by different
> means I assume?

Hatari needs to intercept and to emulate Pexec calls when the program is
on a GEMDOS drive. That's the main thing done in the cartridge code. (In
contrast, Steem afaik does this entirely on the host side.)


PS: This is the line in TOS 3.06 or 2.06 where only 128 bytes of stack
(the unused command line part of the basepage) are provided for the
process that executes AUTO folder programs:
Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
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