Re: [hatari-devel] TT emulation crashes when there is no ACSI drive

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Let me wait for the feedback on my stripped down binary first, see my
last posting.

Best regards


> Uwe Seimet schrieb:
> > I'll try to identify the NF_SCSI call that triggers this.
> Thank you for investigating further. I still think knowing *how* the bus
> error happened will help narrowing this down. Eero posted a detailed
> guide how to capture a lot of information in his email from 06.08.2019,
> 12:27.
> A less complicated but still helpful variant would be: Start Hatari in a
> configuration which allows you to reproduce the crash but additionally
> with the "-D" command line option. That will make Hatari break into the
> debugger at each exception. You'll see several harmless bus errors
> during TOS startup. At the first of such errors, when Hatari breaks into
> the debugger, enter "history cpu 256" to enable the CPU history buffer.
> Keep entering "c" at the errors during startup until you hit the bus
> error we're talking about. Execute the following debugger commands:
> history 64
> registers
> ... and send the output to the list.
> Regards
> Christian
> --
> Christian Zietz  -  CHZ-Soft  -  czietz@xxxxxxx
> WWW:
> PGP/GnuPG-Key-ID: 0x52CB97F66DA025CA / 0x6DA025CA

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