Re: [frogs] First patch: Issue 1275 (name+email for lily-git.tcl)

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On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 01:25:19AM +0000, Owen Tuz wrote:
>    Ah, sorry about that. I tried to avoid exactly that but I'm still getting
>    to know git.

No problem.  The latest patch is good in that respect.

>    If .gitconfig isn't there, the flag a+ opens the file for reading and
>    writing, and will create it if it doesn't exist. If .gitconfig exists,
>    though, it starts access from the end of the file and the script won't
>    find anything in it - hence the need to use a different flag.

Ok.  However, now I have a problem with ttk::frame
Error in startup script: invalid command name "ttk::frame"
    while executing
"ttk::frame .b.c -padding "5 5 24 24""
    (procedure "requestuserdata" line 6)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
"if {![regexp "name" $usercheck] || ![regexp "email" $usercheck]}
then {
tkwait window .b
    (file "scripts/auxiliar/lily-git.tcl" line 71)

I don't know much about tk, so I can't really judge which
librar(ies) I'm missing... but the goal of lily-git.tcl is maximum
compatibility (and ease of use), so any problem is a problem.  I'm
running a stock ubuntu 10.04, so we should expect a lot of
potential contributors to have the same setup as me.

The unpatched lily-git.tcl works on my system... I have no idea
what's going on here.  I suspect that you know more about tcl/tk
than me... any guesses?

>    That's the last one from me for tonight, thanks for your time checking all
>    this for me! Sorry you still didn't manage to get away without the
>    discussion. Maybe next time.

Well, you still produced a patch without needing discussion.  It's
expected that patches require discussion -- I was mainly happy
that you downloaded the source, found a problem, made a serious
attempt at fixing the problem, and produced a patch on your own.

- Graham

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