Re: [frogs] First patch: Issue 1275 (name+email for lily-git.tcl)

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Hmm.  If .gitconfig doesn't exist, then line 66 causes
lily-git.tcl to bail.  I don't know if tcl does exceptions, or a
"try to open, and tell me if you failed" function, or what, but
I'm certain there's a way to handle this case.

- Graham

Right, attached is a revised version (of the whole patch, not a patch to my first patch). Nothing special - since the script seems to be failing securely enough on its own I thought it would be safe to add code to check only for this specific problem and exit with a popup box telling the user exactly what was wrong.


Attachment: 0001-Checks-for-git-user-name-email.patch
Description: Binary data

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