Re: [frogs] First patch: Issue 1275 (name+email for lily-git.tcl)

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On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 6:30 PM, Owen Tuz <owentuz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi -
>   Having talked about C++ and Scheme, I went and picked one in tcl/tk
> instead. The original issue is here:

I could kiss you.  I've been hoping for months -- actually, literally
years plural -- that somebody would look through the tracker, pick an
existing "frog" problem, and send in a patch without needing to
discuss it for 5 hours.  You have just made me very, very happy.  :)
(and if you haven't noticed already, that's not an easy thing to do!)

> It's a small patch which opens the user's global .gitconfig file and checks
> it for the words "name" and "email". If either one is not found, it opens a
> popup window asking for them and submits the response using the "git config"
> command.

I haven't tested it since I need to go to orchestra right now, and I
haven't looked at the other part of lily-git.tcl, but does your patch
follow the same indentation pattern?  Normally we have two spaces for
each {, or four spaces, or something like that.
If lily-git.tcl has such a pattern, please follow it.  If not, then
just ignore this paragraph.

> It's fairly trivial but I'm assuming that the common practice for Frogs is
> to post it to the mailing list first?

Yes, thank you.  A developer (possibly me) will push the patch for you
once it's been tested and accepted.

- Graham

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