Re: [frogs] First patch: Issue 1275 (name+email for lily-git.tcl)

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This looks like a patch to be added after the previous patch was
(theoretically) applied.  We generally prefer to have a clear
patch for the entire thing.

.gitconfig won't be created automatically -- installing git just
puts it in a central location.  There's absolutely nothing wrong
with an installation (or a user :) if they have no .gitconfig
before running lily-git.tcl.

Take a look at the "file <option> <name>" command, and check the
result of that before trying to open the file.

- Graham

Ah, sorry about that. I tried to avoid exactly that but I'm still getting to know git.

I've kept the "file exists" check in there but it now controls the flag following the "open" command.

If .gitconfig isn't there, the flag a+ opens the file for reading and writing, and will create it if it doesn't exist. If .gitconfig exists, though, it starts access from the end of the file and the script won't find anything in it - hence the need to use a different flag.

That's the last one from me for tonight, thanks for your time checking all this for me! Sorry you still didn't manage to get away without the discussion. Maybe next time.

Cheers (and goodnight!),

Attachment: 0001-Checks-for-git-user-details.patch
Description: Binary data

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