[frogs] First patch: Issue 1275 (name+email for lily-git.tcl)

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Hi -
  Having talked about C++ and Scheme, I went and picked one in tcl/tk instead. The original issue is here: http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1275

It's a small patch which opens the user's global .gitconfig file and checks it for the words "name" and "email". If either one is not found, it opens a popup window asking for them and submits the response using the "git config" command.

It's fairly trivial but I'm assuming that the common practice for Frogs is to post it to the mailing list first? It all seems to work and I'm fairly sure the tcl part is fine but if someone who has some experience with tk could have a look at the code for the popup box in particular just to check it's not a horrible mess, that'd be great.


Attachment: 0001-Checks-for-git-user-name-email.patch
Description: Binary data

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