Re: [hatari-devel] Little regression in hatari GUI filesystem in fullscreen mode ?

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On 20/03/2024 10.53, Eero Tamminen wrote:

On 19.3.2024 2.09, Eero Tamminen wrote:
If scrollbar could be changed to use mouse events then the buttons should work, but that's more changes than I'm comfortable before release.

Found an elegant solution for this.  Ignore the mouse position
also for scrollbar arrows, like is done for the bar itself!

That's a nice idea, I like it!

Laurent, does the attached patch fix the button issue for you?

Thomas, do you think the previous and this patch would be OK for release, or would it better to wait until after release?

I think it should be fine. I also gave it a quick try and it seems to work fine for me, and I also reviewed the patches and I think they should not cause any big trouble, so I'd suggest to include them before tagging the release.

Maybe just add an additional comment before SDL_GetMouseState() that the coordinates are not reliabe in full screen mode, so we remember this odd behavior in the future when we ever try to change that code again?


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