Re: [hatari-devel] Little regression in hatari GUI filesystem in fullscreen mode ?

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Hi Eero,

I was about to write you that the patch was not working until I saw that I didn't apply it before compiling ;)

So yes, it works perfectly.

I think these 2 patchs should be in the coming release. They fix annoying behaviour.

Maybe some people under Windows or Mac could test the patch too and report if everything works both in fullscreen and windowed modes.

Thanks for the fix.



Le 20/03/2024 à 10:53, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On 19.3.2024 2.09, Eero Tamminen wrote:
If scrollbar could be changed to use mouse events then the buttons should work, but that's more changes than I'm comfortable before release.

Found an elegant solution for this.  Ignore the mouse position
also for scrollbar arrows, like is done for the bar itself!

Laurent, does the attached patch fix the button issue for you?

Thomas, do you think the previous and this patch would be OK for release, or would it better to wait until after release?

    - Eero

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