Re: [hatari-devel] Little regression in hatari GUI filesystem in fullscreen mode ?

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On 17.3.2024 22.17, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
I've noticed 2 things :

- sometimes, the slidebar "jumps" and is upper (or lower) than the mouse cursor, but it works and it resync when the cursor reach the top or the bottom of the bar.

That's probably something unavoidable.

- In windowed mode, clicking on the arrow at top or bottom of the slidebar does move the slidebar continuously ; whereas in full screen, I have to click N times to move the slidebar (the "Autoclick" doesn't work in fullscreen.

I can reproduce it. It does not seem to be related the other issue, as it does not happen with scaled window, only with fullscreen.

The clicked scrollbar up/down button highlight also seems to work slightly funkily in fullscreen.

Thomas, any comments on this issue, or my patch to the other one?

	- Eero

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