Re: [hatari-devel] Little regression in hatari GUI filesystem in fullscreen mode ?

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On 17.3.2024 11.12, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
While testing hatari on some demos and games, I noticed I couldn't move the scrollbar by clicking on it and moving the mouse up/down into the fileselector GUI.

It works in windowed mode, but not in fullscreen mode.

Do you have the same behaviour ?

I do the test like this :

     -  F12 (to open the GUI)

     -  Click on "Floppy disks"

    -  Then I click "UP" 3 times until I reach a folder with more files than the screen

     -  Then I click on the slidebar and move the mouse up/down.

I've done a quick test with hatari 1.6.2 version, and it worked (but in fullscreen, hatari was displayed on my 2 screens ;)

Problem seems SDL2 event reporting, it does not scale the events it reports although it has internally scaled the output.

Hatari has some code for working around that, but it's not applied here (and potentially in few other places). I'm working on fix..

	- Eero

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