Re: [hatari-devel] Little regression in hatari GUI filesystem in fullscreen mode ?

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Hi Thomas,

On 19.3.2024 1.42, Eero Tamminen wrote:
None of the APIs listed here:

gave the full window size.

However, while it's very ugly to do assumptions on SDL behavior (instead of it scaling the events automatically, or at least providing function for that), I think we could in fullscreen assume desktop size for SDL2 window:

Gah. I had been checking already scaled values, and only now printed all the absolute values.

Problem is actually the other way round.

All of these functions return full window size _with the borders_,
so apparently its the mouse state function that returns coords with border subtracted.

(And as there's no way to fetch border size, we're hosed.)

If scrollbar could be changed to use mouse events then the buttons should work, but that's more changes than I'm comfortable before release.

	- Eero

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