Re: [hatari-devel] (raw) MIDI connection reliability?

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On 26.6.2022 9.56, Thomas Huth wrote:
Am Sat, 25 Jun 2022 13:40:17 +0300
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 25.6.2022 10.48, Thomas Huth wrote:
I don't think this is ok yet: According to the 3p man page of fgetc, errno
only gets set on errors, not on end-of-file conditions, so I think you
explicitely have to clear errno first if you want to check it afterwards.
Thanks.  With that fixed, does it look good enough to go in for the release?
Should be fine, I guess. In the worst case, we just get bogus error
messages here, right?
Thanks. Yes [1] => I pushed the change(s).

[1] I also moved clearerr(), but fgetc() is only thing operating in the FILE stream (File_InputAvailable() operates on filenro), so the new place is more correct place for it.

Btw. I forgot to mention results of my debugging yesterday:

* There were no errors logged (once I disregarded some pre-existing
"file not found" errno value).

* It seemed that MidWiz receiving end tried to read one byte more than
was written.  I'm not sure about that though because both ends were
hanging though
I assume the problem is not related to the host side, but rather a bug in
the MIDI hardware emulation. Needs more investigation, but I think this
should not block the release since it is not a regression.
Agree. I'll try to debug it more after release.

Note: in next few weeks I'll be checking email (and having git push access) only sporadically.

	- Eero

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