Re: [hatari-devel] Xcode builds (was: Preparing release 2.3 - status)

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On 11/28/20 8:32 AM, Thomas Huth wrote:
Am Mon, 23 Nov 2020 12:18:08 +0200
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 11/23/20 1:53 AM, Bob Carpenter wrote:
With that said, I know the macOS front end will break at some
point. I am hoping we can get the Linux python3 front end at that
time. Except for one exception (Atari800MacX), all of my Mac
emulators use non-standard interfaces. If Hatari has to go that
route as well, it is better than falling back to an SDL-only front
end like on Windows.

Could somebody with a Mac test the Python / Gtk

Gramps (Python3 / Gtk based genealogy program)
might work as an example of what packages need
to be installed from MacPorts or HomeBrew for

And these instructions look like useful starting
point for anybody wanting to try bundling Hatari
Python UI:

Thomas, any idea what's the issue in your CI job?

No clue. And since Travis also changed their policy for free jobs, I
also cannot test this anymore. I think either one of the macOS users
has to take care of those deprecation warnings / build failures at one
point in time, or we have to look for alternatives to the macos GUI,

Looking at Nicolas' changes for the release, I see
few other issues with the Mac GUI code:

* Embeds Hatari version numbers to translation
  files instead of using version.h defines

* Incorrect Hatari copyright info (while you're
  Hatari originator, Hatari uses code from many
  people and projects)

	- Eero

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