Re: [hatari-devel] Preparing release 2.3 - status |
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On 11/16/20 10:57 AM, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> On 11/16/20 10:44 AM, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
>> During latest month, there were many changes to update doc and
>> compatibility status, but I think it's time to release very soon now.
>> Any real blocker still remaining ?
....> I need to do some extra testing with Hconsole,
> profiler post-processor and Hatari UI to make sure
> there aren't any other hidden Python3 issues.
There was bad incompatibility with latest Hatari
config value types in Python UI, but that's now
As to Python UI SCSI support, I've decided to
post-pone it because Hatari SCSI support is still
not complete and because of Python Gtk API
deprecations, I'm at some point going to need to
rewrite most of Python UI config dialogs (and some
of menu handling) to use new Gtk widgets.
> Then there's also Uwe's issue.
I have fix for that, but as it's a bit marginal
issue, I decided to post-pone it to (right) after
(Along with the better ST-RAM amount checks.)
>> I'd like to do the release at the end of this week (around 23 nov)
> I'm hopeful of getting above done before that.
From my part, I'm done.
Christian still needs to verify that Thomas' IDE
crash fix works also for him.
There's also Sparrow TOS 2.07 support regression
reported by Miro few days ago, but I guess fixing
that will be post-poned after release?
I did a quick (Linux) test build with SDL1 and
oldUAE CPU core, and that built fine.
But looking at Thomas build jobs:
* While distro builds seem to succeed:
* Mac build fails:
=> It seems that Mac GUI code needs to be updated...
Any takers?
- Eero
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