Re: [hatari-devel] Xcode builds (was: Preparing release 2.3 - status)

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Hi Thomas,

(Sorry, I hadn't noticed this as it wasn't on hatari list.)

On 11/23/20 11:43 AM, Thomas Huth wrote:
On 22/11/2020 15.29, Eero Tamminen wrote:
But looking at Thomas build jobs:

* While distro builds seem to succeed:

* Mac build fails:

=> It seems that Mac GUI code needs to be updated...

After looking a little bit more closely, I don't think that this is a (new)
problem on the Hatari side. A couple of days ago, the build was still
working fine at the level of commit 5ef352a :

And after that commit, here haven't been any changes to the hatari source
code anymore which could explain the failure, as far as I can see.
So there must have been some changes in that container image or on the
homebrew side which caused this issue...

Maybe it's some change related to the recent Apple
M1 release i.e. ARM based Mac Minis and laptops,
and them being able to run iOS stuff.

i.e. this should not block the release, as far as I can tell.

Ok, thanks!

Anyway, there were also some "deprecation" messages in that previous macOS
build already, so at one point in time, the macOS GUI certainly needs an

Yep. I don't think the Python UI is really a replacement for it in its current state.

E.g. the Hatari error handling would need to be
better integrated with the UI process. At least
error dialogs should be shown by Python UI, not
by Hatari.

	- Eero

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