Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon cpu/dsp emu issue?

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That's a great news.
Good job everybody !


Le 28/01/2016 21:20, Douglas Little a écrit :

This is now fixed, dspbench and wilfire are now working in CE mode again.

Great news!

BTW Doug, do you have the result of dspbench when running on a stock Falcon ? Could be useful for further reference to check cpu/dsp accuracy in Hatari (or maybe this was already posted ?)

Yes but its easy - the figures should read 100% on the right column (16 MIPS peak). The latest Hatari is showing about 2x expected and it has varied quite a lot over the last year (I've seen it at 160% in one build from late 2015, with earlier versions showing 100%).

Look for more breakages, as I have a work in progress to change the way cycles are counted at 16/32 MHz :)

These are the only DSP related things I'm aware of at the moment but once I get that fix and try it things will be more clear.


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