Re: [hatari-devel] Bad Mood freeze

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On 01/07/2016 12:40 AM, Douglas Little wrote:
TBH I'm not too surprised if timing differences in emulation cause
breakage/freezes in drawing code across different versions. It is pretty

The mouse and keyboard stuff though does freak me out - especially anything
that correlates on real HW.

Anyway I'll do a bit more investigation and see what turns up.

I just did a long play with soft-synth MIDI instead of HW MIDI and
was unable to trigger the freeze, so it may be something related to

And now that I think of, extra ESC etc key presses didn't anymore
happen, or at least were rarer (not sure, the play was through
several levels, at least on last level I don't remember getting

If you do see another case where it lands in the IKBD dead-stop location,
can you collect some state from Hatari on the ACIAs and the IKBD/MIDI data
and control ports? Maybe even a short history of traffic would be
interesting. I'd be particularly interested if the IKBD is trying to report
a DATE packet. :)

Will do, but some other day. :-)

	- Eero

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