Re: [AD] Fullscreen problems on Linux

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Well, yes, we can document this near the ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN flag
and explain that setting "legacy" mode or ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW
is the workaround on such systems.

Kind Regards,


Op 08-07-14 17:35, Trent Gamblin schreef:
Sounds like a bit too much of a hack... maybe it's best just to be clear
that when we use "real fullscreen" it's using a "legacy" mode according to
Compiz, so you'll need to toggle that checkbox. Not sure where the best
place is to document that.

As far as presenting options to the user, it's probably going to have to be
up to the developer. A good approach may be to allow real fullscreen and
have a checkbox either for legacy or "compiz" or something like that.


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