Re: [AD] Fullscreen problems on Linux

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I took a different approach and read the xfwm4 source code to see what it
when you use _net_wm to set fullscreen, and surprisingly, it doesn't change real the resolution at all! No calls to xrandr or xvideomode at all. In stead it just makes the window undecorated and tries to place and extend it if possible
to the size of the monitor the center of the window is on.

I suspect that SDL cheats here and sets up some kind of transformation to hide
the fact that there's no real resolution switch, but I'm not sure.

I guess that's one way of understanding what net wm's fullscreen is about, but it's not very useful. It means that you were right, Trent, this is more of a way to get a fullscreen window after all. I saw on some mailing lists there was some talk in 2012 of implementing a real resolution-changing full-screen but that
didn't seem to have led anywhere yet.

One good thing I did find out though from reading xfwm4 sources is
that _NET_WM_FULLSCREEN_MONITORS will contain the size of the monitor
that can be used for setting a fullscreen window, so no need for XRandr to find
out the monitor sizes.

In conclusion I'd say that compiz/ubuntu has jumped the gun again and declared XRANDR mode setting "legacy" even though there is no real good alternative apart from full screen windows. Blah. Maybe I sghould read compiz's sources too to see what that does and copare it with xfwm4. But I wonder: how to solve this, then?

Kind Regards ,


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