Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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> Hmph.  ok then, I'm still up a double-double.

Fair enough.

>> 2. In addition to manually changing the PATH, I *also* manually rm-ed some of the /opt/local/bin files that were causing problems (e.g., texi2html).
> ?!?

autogen was complaining about "wrong versions", even though the right ones are on my machine.
I [manually] deleted the /opt/local/bin copies, so that autogen was forced to look in the right place.

> Dude, it was only two months ago.  You should remember the score.

Since that date, I've:
    composed a one-act musical and a 20' classical concert work;
    recorded, edited, and produced two 10' CD tracks;
    MD-ed three cabaret concerts, and performed in more than a dozen other shows;
    proved some rather difficult theorems about (and presented a rather cool paper on) the Erdos-Moser equation;

You think I remember how many timbits I *might* owe someone who lives in a different country?  ;)

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