Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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Hi John,

> It looks like you didn't adjust your PATH to include TeXlive binaries directory.

I believe I've finally got this done… however, I've apparently lost my "port" command in the process.  =\

Furthermore, I get some new errors and warnings I didn't get before I changed my path:

WARNING: Please consider installing optional programs:  guile texi2html >= 1.82 (installed: 1.70)

ERROR: Please install required programs:  msgfmt echo no guile-config >= 1.8.0 (installed: ) libguile (libguile-dev, guile-devel or guile-dev package). GUILE-with-rational-bugfix pkg-config makeinfo >= 4.11 (installed: 4.8)

> Great!  Are you a mathematician as well as a composer

That's my main hobby — at the conference, I was presenting a new [co-authored] paper on reducing the Erdos-Moser equation by various moduli, which we've recently submitted to the Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux.

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