Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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On 1/18/10 2:15 PM, "Kieren MacMillan" <kieren_macmillan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

>> Dude, it was only two months ago.  You should remember the score.
> Since that date, I've:
>     composed a one-act musical and a 20' classical concert work;
>     recorded, edited, and produced two 10' CD tracks;
>     MD-ed three cabaret concerts, and performed in more than a dozen other
> shows;
>     proved some rather difficult theorems about (and presented a rather cool
> paper on) the Erdos-Moser equation;
>       etc.

I can't believe you've got an etc. at the end of the list!  I actually can't
belive you've got the other four things -- that's a lot to get done in two


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