Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari_srand() / Hatari_rand()?

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Le 18/01/2024 à 00:26, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
Hi Nicolas,

Is the intention of the new Hatari_srand() / Hatari_rand() wrappers to be able to set used random seed value (after CLI option is added for that) for reproducible Hatari runs?


not really, it's more about isolating the underlying random method for now. We use the OS's rand() but some other emulators are sometimes using a different/faster method (see uaerand() in cpu/ or also core_rand() in Hatari for libretro).

If we ever want to have our own internal random function (that don't get called by other programs) to have reproducible series of random numbers then it will be possible this way


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