Re: [hatari-devel] Disassembler crashes if not in supervisor mode |
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Le 22/12/2022 à 18:56, Andreas Grabher a écrit :
If you cannot run the same program on Hatari, you could just write suitable block of memory to a file from Previous and load it in Hatari debugger, then try to run / disassemble it in Hatari, to see whether that crashes too.That is a bit beyond my debugging skills. Did you ever run the debugger in Hatari while address translation (MMU) is enabled and in effect?
hinever tried myself, but it's possible there's an issue in the debugger. the reason is that the mmu on falcon/tt has often some translation tables in the lower part of ram ( < $800 ) and on Atari this requires the S bit to be set.
I fixed this in the emulation itself a long time ago, but maybe the debugger use some memory access functions that don't set S bit when doing 68030+mmu and displaying ram content.
Needs to be checked, I need some free time later for this :) Nicolas
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