Re: [hatari-devel] Disassembler crashes if not in supervisor mode

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> Am 21.12.2022 um 09:51 schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> On 11.12.2022 17.45, Andreas Grabher wrote:
>> I added back some of the disassembler functions to Previous. It seems that the disassembler crashes the whole application with strange error (error report fails). I think it might be related to bus error and try/catch (using longjumps in C).
>> The problem seems to only occur if the CPU is in user mode. I am using 68030 with MMU (run_mmu030()). Is this a known issue?
> No. Never heard of such issue. Maybe it's Previous specific?
Maybe. It might only happen with functions that use try/catch. Previous uses 68030 and 68040, both with MMU.

>> Failing call is in DebugInfo_Default() -> Disasm().
> Do you have a backtrace?
The debugger seems to not show where exactly the crash happens. It is somewhere in Disasm() and its subroutines.
> > Calling the disassembler with the disasm command also crashes the application.
> 	- Eero

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