Re: [hatari-devel] MODE SENSE patch

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> So it would be better to have one patch to update the magic constants, one
> patch to fix mode sense, etc.

I know what you mean, but it would have made everything even more
complicated from my perspective. It took very long for my first patch to
be reviewed, and at that time there were already other minor changes in my

> -	if (ctr->opcode == 0x88 || ctr->opcode == 0x8a || ctr->opcode == 0x8f ||
> -		ctr->opcode == 0x91 || ctr->opcode == 0x9e || ctr->opcode == 0x9f) {
> -		return 16;
> -	}
> -	else if (ctr->opcode == 0xa0) {
> +	if (ctr->opcode == HD_REPORT_LUNS) {
>  		return 12;
>  	}
> What happened to the "return 16"? Why is it ok to remove it? ==> This
> information is missing in the patch description.

This would have prepared future command extensions, but were not directly
related to the MODE SENSE and REPORT LUNS changes.

Anyway, please just discard all of my recent patches. I understand the points
you are making, but all in all the Hatari development workflow is not
compatible with me (anymore). Even though it might be close to the Linux
one ;-).
I am sorry that others had to spend that much time on my patches.

Best regards


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