Re: [hatari-devel] program autostart, visual studio Hatari compilation

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On Sun, 24 Oct 2021 21:26:40 +0300
Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This:
> -----------------
> $ hatari-prg-args -- everest.prg test1 test2 test3
> -----------------
> open Everest text editor with windows for 3 new
> text files that do not exist yet.
> I.e. I cannot reproduce your problem.

Interesting. If I run:

hatari-prg-args -- 'C:\FF\FAST4TH.TTP' vlist

Forth loads and runs the command vlist. But it does so in low res, with
yellow text on white, which is almost unreadable.

If I run this:

hatari-prg-args -- C:\FF\FAST4TH.TTP 3 load

It comes up in low res, and I get a dialog box, "The application cannot
find the folder or file you just tried to access." I click OK, the only
option I have, and I'm in the desktop at low res.

The work-around is to escape the slashes in C:\FF\FAST4TH.TTP, or
single quote it. However, Hatari still comes up in low res. This is
tolerable, because that '3 load' brings in code that forces things to
medium res. Add a -q, and the low res becomes irrelevant.

Emutos version 1.0, Hatari v2.3.0, on Debian 10 (Buster).

Hatari is a local build:

commit e3f06994909873eb124bd5267434ddeb804f8641 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jul 5 20:17:23 2021 +0300

Does anybody read signatures any more?

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