[hatari-devel] Re: cmake versioning issue

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Le 13/12/2020 à 08:59, Thomas Huth a écrit :
Am Sun, 13 Dec 2020 02:07:09 +0200
schrieb Eero Tamminen <oak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
If I run into more issues, I'll update my distro.  But you really
ought to change readme.txt, it's wrong.

Will do, once I know I know what's needed.
Minimum required CMake version being
2.8 < x <= 3.13 is too vague. :-/

Looking through the CMake changes a little bit, I think the commit that
introduced the new behavior (between Something_FOUND and
SOMETHING_FOUND) was the following one here:


That was released with CMake v3.3.

So I think we should either:

a) Bump our minimum required CMake version to 3.3

b) Try to work-around by renaming FindReadline.cmake to
FindREADLINE.cmake etc. and reverting commit 13dc63566ab73541d24e

I tend to option a), since it's less effort, CMake 3.3 has been
released since 5 years already, so it should be well-established
already and since there might be other issues lurking around in those
very old versions of CMake which we are not aware of yet.

Other opinions?


I'm also with adding a note to the readme about minimum cmake 3.3, especially if it's 5 years. It's like SDL, at one point we can only support recent version If we add patch to support cmake 2.8 and no hatari's devs are using it, then we can't ensure the patch is correct over the time (plus having more lines in cmake files to support different version is really too time consuming)

As for the change between lo caps and high caps in the cmake files, it was indeed because recent version of cmake are warning about this and the fact that using lo caps might be dropped in cmake one day.


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