Re: cmake versioning issue (was: Re: [hatari-devel] readline ?)

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On 12/13/20 1:37 AM, Roger Burrows wrote:
On 13 Dec 2020 at 1:08, Eero Tamminen wrote:
What the heck you're using?  Oldest CMake package
version still listed for Debian based systems that
I found, was CMake v3.0.2, for Debian 8, which is
still getting commercial extended long time

I'm using Linux Mint 17.3 which is LTS (although I think the LTS might have
ended this year anyway).  I onlu use Linux for EmuTOS development, so in
general keeping up to date is not that important to me.  "All software is
experimental or obsolete".  I prefer obsolete.

Well, if it's connected to network, security
updates are kind of nice...

As I said, cmake v3.05 is available, but since the text for the commit in
question specified v3.17 or later, updating to v3.05 seemed pointless.

Commit 13dc6356 was to fix warning with CMake
v3.17, not to require that version.

If I run into more issues, I'll update my distro.  But you really ought to
change readme.txt, it's wrong.

Will do, once I know I know what's needed.
Minimum required CMake version being
2.8 < x <= 3.13 is too vague. :-/

	- Eero

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