Re: cmake versioning issue (was: Re: [hatari-devel] readline ?)

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On 13 Dec 2020 at 1:08, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> What the heck you're using?  Oldest CMake package
> version still listed for Debian based systems that
> I found, was CMake v3.0.2, for Debian 8, which is
> still getting commercial extended long time
> support.
I'm using Linux Mint 17.3 which is LTS (although I think the LTS might have 
ended this year anyway).  I onlu use Linux for EmuTOS development, so in 
general keeping up to date is not that important to me.  "All software is 
experimental or obsolete".  I prefer obsolete.

As I said, cmake v3.05 is available, but since the text for the commit in 
question specified v3.17 or later, updating to v3.05 seemed pointless.

If I run into more issues, I'll update my distro.  But you really ought to 
change readme.txt, it's wrong.


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