cmake versioning issue (was: Re: [hatari-devel] readline ?)

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On 12 Dec 2020 at 15:29, Roger Burrows wrote:
> > 
> OK, mines's Debian-based.  I installed libreadline-dev, but it still doesn't
> find the package.  I re-cloned git to start from fresh, but still no go.
I just looked at the cmake output in more detail.  Early on it says:
-- Found ReadLine: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/

But at the end (in the Library Summary) it says:
- readline :  not found, install it to enable ...

I'm using cmake 2.8.12.  I saw that there were changes to FindReadline.cmake to 
support 3.17+, and the changes were made between the release of 2.2.1 and 
2.3.0.  So I reverted the changes, and now readline is found OK (as is udev, 
which was also missing).

Can you fix this?  Alternatively, please update the readme.txt to change the 
cmake version requirements.  At the moment, the readme.txt says any cmake >= 
v2.8.  [Updating the requirements would be a pain for me, as the latest version 
available to me is 3.05, but sometimes that's life.]


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