Re: [hatari-devel] Debugger GUI enquiry

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On 5/9/20 11:17 PM, Steven Tattersall wrote:
Is there some language / toolkit that you would
prefer for debugger GUI (over Python / Gtk)?

I'm not fixated on debugger GUI being part of
the Hatari Python GUI...

I don't have strong preference.

Personally I would be most pleased at anything that is cross-platform,
easily shippable for a release, and has a good response time. I end up
using both Linux (at home) and Windows (at work) when I'm coding, and I
much prefer Hatari to Steem even on Windows (I trust the code more :).  I
also collaborate with several people who use Macs.

From experience it can get really painful if single-stepping and refresh is
too slow, but that not be down to the GUI platform. So I'll test with
python and GTK and see how well it fits.

What do you think of the idea of doing the disasm
etc output on the Hatari side in SDL2 window, and
just doing the control in the remote GUI process?

(Doing GUIs in SDL is pretty painful, whereas with
remote GUI one can use ready made toolkit, there's
localization support etc.)

	- Eero

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