Re: [hatari-devel] My cross-compiling experience |
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Le 03/05/2020 à 15:13, Thomas Huth a écrit :
By the way, it was not really difficult to set up that cross-compilation job, basically I just had to do: dnf install -y mingw32-gcc mingw32-SDL2 mingw32-zlib cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/Toolchain-mingw32-win64_32.cmake (using Fedora since SDL2 is pre-packaged there ... so I assume Fedora is better suited for using MinGW than Debian?)
HiI don't know / use debian (or its derivative ubuntu), but under Mageia (which has often similar rpm packaging as fedora) cross compiling with mingw is also straightforward. Maybe debian installed some files in less standard places which confuses cmake ?
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