Re: [hatari-devel] My cross-compiling experience

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Am Sun, 3 May 2020 14:00:10 +0200
schrieb Christian Zietz <czietz@xxxxxxx>:

> Christian Zietz schrieb:
> > The warnings are attached.  
> BTW: With the latest code from the Git repo, I get new warnings.
> #include <math.h> is now missing in several files. See attached log.

D'oh, looks like it was a bad idea to remove that include... I didn't
expect that math.h is used in so many files - especially since these
warnings do not trigger under Linux.

Anyway, I'm now able to reproduce these in the CI, too:

.... I just need to clean up my patch a little bit and try to make it
compile with -Werror, too, so that the warnings don't go unnoticed.

By the way, it was not really difficult to set up that
cross-compilation job, basically I just had to do:

 dnf install -y  mingw32-gcc mingw32-SDL2 mingw32-zlib
 cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/Toolchain-mingw32-win64_32.cmake

(using Fedora since SDL2 is pre-packaged there ... so I assume Fedora
is better suited for using MinGW than Debian?)


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