Re: [hatari-devel] MEMWATCH freezes Hatari

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Just tried with clang 6.0.1, but this did not change anything. ROMSPEED
still crashes with a double bus fault, and any program I start after
MEMWATCH freezes Hatari, i.e. the desktop gets grey as usual when
starting an application, the application name is displayed at the top of
the screen, and then nothing happens anymore.

In general, I assume my compile-time environment is working quite fine,
because I am using Gentoo, i.e. I'm compiling a lot.

Best regards


> On 2018-10-10 20:50, Uwe Seimet wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Yes, I build it myself with gcc 7.3.0 under Linux.
> Any chance that you could try with a different version of GCC or maybe
> Clang? ... just to rule out that it's the compiler which is causing the
> trouble ...
>  Thomas

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