[hatari-devel] MEMWATCH freezes Hatari

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As you have probably noticed I am digging out some programs that can
help to test the PMMU emulation. Next one is MEMWATCH, binary and source
see attachments. Details in German are available in ST Computer 12/91. Also
this article is not (yet) available on http://www.stcarchiv.de/stcomputer.php.

MEMWATCH is kind of a memory protection light. It write-protects the TEXT
segment of any program that is started. If there is any write access in
user mode to the protected memory area there is a sound as a warning signal.
Write access in supervisor mode is permitted, otherwise TOS wouldn't be able
to on-the-fly replace MOVE SR by MOVE CCR. The offending software is not
terminated, but the offending write access is simply repeated in supervisor
mode. So you only get a warning signal and the program continues as usual.

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