Re: [hatari-devel] MEMWATCH freezes Hatari

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Looks as if I need a timeout. Too many things not working ... I confused

Regarding MEMWATCH: When I start it after booting without AUTO folder it
terminates fine. When I now start another program, doesn't matter which
one, Hatari hangs. PMMU is on, prefetch and cycle exact are off.

Regarding ROMSPEED: When I boot with an empty AUTO folder from a GEMDOS HD
folder and then start ROMSPEED from the desktop (from a GEMDOS drive) a
double bus fault is reported. PMMU is on, prefetch and cycle exact are off.

> Hi,
> I could debug MEMWATCH to the instructions that causes the double bus
> fault: It's PFLUSHA. When executing it the double bus fault occurs.
> Best regards
> Uwe
> > Hi,
> > 
> > > then I run memwatch.prg which I copied in my gemdos HD directory and it 
> > > prints :
> > > 
> > > MEMWATCH V1.0 installiert
> > > C 1991 by Uwe Seimet
> > > 
> > >  From there, I can't see any crash. Is it supposed to crash immediately 
> > > or only when running another program after that ?
> > 
> > When I boot with an empty AUTO folder from a GEMDOS HD folder and then
> > start MEMWATCH from the desktop (from a GEMDOS drive) a double bus fault is
> > reported. PMMU is on, prefetch and cycle exact are off.
> > 
> > Best regards
> > 
> > Uwe
> > 
> > 

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