Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari and OUTSIDE (virtual memory manager)

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Le 08/10/2018 à 22:51, Uwe Seimet a écrit :

Don't understand me wrong, but what just surprises me is that simply trying
to launch two programs using the PMMU has already revealed several issues
with the PMMU code.


for now, I would say that there was only 2 issue with PMMU : the invalid eamode for ptest and the incorrect check of TTR with level > 0.

The other problem in nvdi.prg was because Hatari allowed data cache to be emulated without more_compatible/cycle_exact modes, but that's not a bug in MMU code / WinUAE cpu, it was an error in Hatari.

There may be more problems to fix with OUTSIDE, but in the end it could also be an Hatari only issue, I don't know yet.


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