Re: [hatari-devel] FPU update

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> A general question on this stuff - will Hatari's HW-backed FPU emulation
> benefit from any of these fixes, now or in future?
> Exactness/precision isn't so much of an issue for the HW-backed
> emulation, as its usually a small price to pay for emulation speed - but
> condition codes and rounding control are important. If these can be kept
> correct without exploding the expense it would be a good thing...

It is difficult to say.. Status codes like BSUN, SNAN, OPERR, INEX2 are
most likely impossible to emulate with native FPU. N, Z, I and NAN
should work correctly. Denormal/unnormal behavior is guaranteed to be

Do you know any programs that work incorrectly?

btw, FCMP is not correct in all situations, its condition codes was
wrongly assumed to be identical to FSUB but it isn't true. Will be fixed

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