Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari version for OS X |
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Le 30/06/2015 10:36, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Hi Bob, Thanks for testing. I cannot replicate the slow UI with TOS 4.04 and the Falcon-version here though. Other Mac users please test as well. (Am I missing something or is it up to the Hatari user to manually select 68030, 16MHz, DSP etc after having selected Falcon as system?)
Hiit depends ; if you select TOS 4.04, then it will switch to falcon + 68030 + dsp. But it you select only "falcon" in System, you need to set all parameters yourself (in case you want to "custom" some of them)
In my case, I always choose tos 4 ot tos 3 when I want switch to Falcon / TT, and tos 1.62 when I want to switch to STE.
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