Re: [hatari-devel] Next Hatari version for OS X

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Le 15/06/2015 00:39, Bob Carpenter a écrit :
> Jerome,
> I tried your updated OS X preference screen with the Mercurial version of Hatari. I see that 68060 is greyed out even with the WinUAE CPU enabled. 
>Therefore, I set the value to 68040 and rebooted Hatari. After the reboot, Hatari showed a value of 68060 instead of 68040. 
You're right, it's a bug
Find a new change here:

> In addition, if I set the TT RAM value to 0 and re-enter the preference screen, the value has been set back to 4.
It's also a bug and I can't figure why ! Relevant CNF_PARAMS of Hatari
are well set. Need to investigate
> One last thing, in the WinUAE core section, the English phrase “24 bits adressing” should be “24-bit addressing”. 
It's changed.

> I wanted to compare the values to the SDL menu but the SDL menu does not work in OS X when you are in Falcon mode. This has been a problem for a while.
I know. text do not show or same color as background in 32bpp. it's a
SDl bug ???

More over, you will find my oww instructions, based on Troed one's to
make an working XCode project with Frameworks rather than MacPorts
library here:


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