Re: [hatari-devel] Issue reports on Hatari v1.8.0

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Am Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:32:54 -0500
schrieb Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Thomas,
> I made the changes to SDLMain.m to the latest Mercurial copy that I
> downloaded this evening. It does fix the problem so screenshots are
> again saved in Hatari’s application directory.

Ok, great! I've copied the code to the repository now.
(BTW, when you create patches, please use the "unified" format
by using the "-u" option with the diff tool - that's much better
readable and easier to apply)

> The bad news is that the animation capture crashes after you select
> the directory for the AVI file. However, I tested Hatari without my
> SDLMain.m changes and it still crashes. This does not happen in the
> release version. In the OS X version, it crashes in
> PixelConvert_32to24Bits_BGR. The actual crash is in the 1st statement
> within the for loop. I could not duplicate the crash in the Windows
> version. Could you try the Linux version of the current development
> code and see if you have the same crash? Honestly, I hope the same
> thing happens in the Linux version since I am confident one of you
> could fix it very quickly.

I could not recreate that crash here since the SDL GUI does not feature
the possibility to change the recording directory ;-)
However, I noticed a different problem, at least with SDL2: When you
switch to fullscreen and back while you're recording, the video does
not get update right anymore. Did you use SDL2 when your crash

A question to Nicolas: It seems like the code in avi_record.c takes a
copy of the SDL surface pointer:

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