[hatari-devel] Issue reports on Hatari v1.8.0

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Posting here since I picked these up at Atari-Forum: http://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=26779

? - reported on OSX: Hatari does not load hatari.cfg from current directory when started
? - reported on OSX: Hatari does not allow selection of ACSI HD images with files ending in anything else than .img (apparently v1.7.0 did).
? - reported on OSX: ACSI HD images that worked on v1.7.0 does not boot on 1.8.0
?: Hatari runs very slow

OSX: Does not start on OS X Snow Leopard (10.6). Issue identified and fixed for next release.

Jerome/Bob, is the first one about the config file something controlled by the build config? I've verified that I see the same issue myself - I have to load it manually at each boot.

Regarding blocking all file endings except .img I guess it could be one of the UI changes?

And about non-booting ACSI images I have no idea :)

Regarding slowness maybe it's the same Mac Retina-issue as I also saw.


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