Re: [hatari-devel] Issue reports on Hatari v1.8.0

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The screenshot directory is related to an issue I raised a few month ago about working directory.

This is what I wrote then:

> It turns out that hatari has always done a chdir to the application folder if it was detected that it was started by the Finder.
> This detection however, does not work in later versions of Mac OS.

I did a quick test that shows that the default cwd for apps started from finder is /. I do not know of any way to check if an was started from the finder or not, so I don't have a solution for this.


On 11 Aug 2014, at 10:41, Troed Sångberg <troed@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

There seems to be an issue with the screenshot directory as well. Picked this up at Atari-Forum:

"calimero wrote:
nice but why screen capture does not work in Mac OS X? (I try both PNG and BMP)
...I have old 1.6 (not sure which exactly) version where grabbing screenshots works but it would be nice to have this ability in latest 1.8 version on Mac OS X..."

So I did a quick test and found the following:

1) When starting regularly the screenshots are saved at the root of my drive - /Macintosh HD/grab0001.png
2) When starting hatari from commandline - $ - the screenshots are saved to the application (starting) directory.


On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Miguel Saro <miguel.saro@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Bug is mine, sorry!  I’m working on first point below with respect of OSx 10.5 … 10.9. 

Posting here since I picked these up at Atari-Forum:

? - reported on OSX: Hatari does not load hatari.cfg from current directory when started
? - reported on OSX: Hatari does not allow selection of ACSI HD images with files ending in anything else than .img (apparently v1.7.0 did).
? - reported on OSX: ACSI HD images that worked on v1.7.0 does not boot on 1.8.0
?: Hatari runs very slow

OSX: Does not start on OS X Snow Leopard (10.6). Issue identified and fixed for next release.

Jerome/Bob, is the first one about the config file something controlled by the build config? I've verified that I see the same issue myself - I have to load it manually at each boot.

Regarding blocking all file endings except .img I guess it could be one of the UI changes?

And about non-booting ACSI images I have no idea :)

Regarding slowness maybe it's the same Mac Retina-issue as I also saw.


M et Y Saro
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