Re: [AD] Ouya controller support

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It turns out that timerfd_* functions are in fact just very thin layers over the __NR_timerfd_create and similar
system calls that can be invoked with syscall(). So we could inplement those functions ourselves
on OUYA, since it is based on Linux 3 and should have this syscall.
Look here for an example, although it misses the ARM architecture's syscall number.
We can probably find this for ARM in the sources of glibc or uclibc or such.

Kind Regards,


Op 14-07-13 00:04, Trent Gamblin schreef:
I tried copying timerfd headers from a Raspberry Pi, but the actual function calls do not exist in the libraries on the Ouya (I get runtime errors about missing timerfd_* functions.) So another approach is needed. I’m not too familiar with glob()... I’ll have to look into it some more, see what the timerfd stuff in Allegro is really doing since I don’t really know yet.


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