Re: [AD] Ouya controller support

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I tried copying timerfd headers from a Raspberry Pi, but the actual function calls do not exist in the libraries on the Ouya (I get runtime errors about missing timerfd_* functions.) So another approach is needed. I’m not too familiar with glob()... I’ll have to look into it some more, see what the timerfd stuff in Allegro is really doing since I don’t really know yet.

From: Beoran
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2013 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [AD] Ouya controller support
Op 13-07-13 21:13, Trent Gamblin schreef:
Slight problem here. Peter, is it possible to do hotplugging without sys/timerfd.h? It’s not in the latest NDK (or earlier.) Without it the joysticks eventually shut off for power saving and then the only thing you can do is force close the game.


The Linux kernel of Android should /probably/ still support the ioctl system calls, so we could just copy the header(s) from a desktop linux and try those. Otherwise, if that fails, we'll have to set up our own timer and poll /dev/input/eventXXX with glob() .  hope we won't heed to, but there's always the hidraw interface as well,... Then again we may need hidraw fpr mapping of the player number to the joystick, as the OUYA event interface doesn' t seem to support LED IO... 

Kind Regards,


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