Re: [AD] Ouya controller support

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I guess we can implement a mouse driver with motion events similar to the first approach i tried. It seems like the controllers emits relative events and the system calculates where the cursor is. All controllers controls the same cursor on screen.

We still need to figure out how to map the input devices to a player index with the Linux driver. The event devices appear in the order they are connected and don't map directly to the lights on the controller. This could be done with the OuyaController class.

/ Jonathan

2013/7/13 Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Johnatan,

I checked your fork, it looks like it works with minimal changes indeed!
Thanks for figuring this out.

Due to the way the Linux driver for Allegro works, you
won't see the REL_X and REL_Y (mouse-like) events, but I assume that's

Kind Regards,


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