Re: [AD] Ouya controller support

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2013/7/15 Beoran <beoran@xxxxxxxxxx>
Op 15-07-13 01:29, Jonathan Lilliemarck schreef:
> javap only decompiles to bytecode. But I found this:
> I could just drag and drop the
> class file there and get the code. The controller does some kind of
> query to a ContentResolver to map the the device id to a player
> number. I know to little about Android to understand what is
> happening here.

Well, I'm stating the obvious here, but ContentResolver is the next
class to decompile then. You may need to decompress all jar files in
the ODK to find it.
Knowing Java, I reckon you'll have to chase through and decompile
quite a few classes before you get to the bottom of this.

Just to repeat I am looking for how to map a controller to a player number. The OuyaController does this with the device id that is retrieved with KeyEvent.getDeviceId() but I can't find any connection between this device id and the /dev/input/event device. Each time the controller connects, the KeyEvent device id changes. Since we don't use KeyEvent I am unsure if we can use the OuyaController class. The ContentResolver is an Android class and I think it can be understood from the documentation alone.

I have been investigating the /dev/input/event device too hoping that the ABS_MISC value would contain bits for the LEDs or something but ABS_MISC is just 0 most of the time. The device also reports four weird buttons but they don't seem to have anything to do with the player number either.

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